If you Love Drama are Member in the Drama Club.

The Five Signs of DRAMA:

1. If you only listen to one side of a story, and then form your opinion, you might be a DRAMA member.
2. If you take sides when two of your friends are fighting, which only adds to the DRAMA, you might be a DRAMA member.
3. If you don’t talk to someone because you’re mad at them, you might be a DRAMA member.
4. If you worry more about what other people are doing, instead of focusing on yourself, you might be a DRAMA member.
5. If you continuously gossip, or talk negatively about total strangers in a social setting, or talk about someone behind their back (whether it be friend, foe, or strange), you might be a DRAMA member.

To be considered a member of DRAMA, you must have at least one of these symptoms. If you have any of these symptoms, please seek professional help immediately. Or, if all else fails, try growing up let the drama stay in middle and high school.