I’m a huge proponent of moving forward. I’ve never been a fan of remaining in the past.

That could be because I’ve had some past I’d rather not remember…

It could be because I am very forward-thinking…

Either way, I’d prefer to reconcile the past, make the most of it, and get on with my life.

Bottom line, however, is that there are really a few choices when it comes to dealing with the past.

Here are 5 ways to deal with your past:

Forget it – If you choose to and you are really skilled, you can block all memory of the past from your mind. In extreme settings, I have seen people do this naturally, but I must admit, it’s rare.

Misuse it – You can twist the past for your benefit…gain sympathy, make people feel sorry for you, and use it as a somewhat personal advantage. The people who choose this option are usually as phony as their story.

Ignore it – You can pretend your past never happened. You man make up your own version of your past and live in a false reality. With the people I’ve seen do this it seems you never really know the true person behind this use of the past.

Excuse it – You can blame every bad decision you’ll ever make on your past. After all, it was “his” fault”, right? I’ve known people with this excuse who never own up to responsibility…and they always have a reason for not doing so.

Use it – In my humble opinion, as one with a somewhat broken past, the best way to deal with your past is to use it for a greater good. How could your story benefit others? How could God use your brokenness to bless others?

Which option are you currently choosing to deal with your past? (Be honest!)