Drama has gotten to big in our lives, some people live off of drama, they are like a crack head they need they daily or weekly fix. There fix most of the time are these fake reality shoes. Where it get bad is that when we start to try to add unnecessary drama in our lives . One of the biggest markets in the world in my eyes is drama, drama sells and people have become famous and rich off of drama, kids are now saying that I need to be on bad girls club or the real word to make a lot of money not knowing that most of these shoes if not all are not reality at all. Drama is taking this Generation down i understand that a show is just a show and I don’t have problem with it, but i do have problem with youth trying to be a reality star or feeding off of drama rather than going to school or trying to better themselves, and can i say its not just the youth are want to be on the shows but its there parents also.

5 Tips To Keep You Away From Drama 


Keep the circle small – As much as you need others around you and you shouldn’t isolate yourself from people, not everyone needs to know the intimate details of your life’s drama either. I have seen so many people who never feel they can walk with pride in a church or community again because they shared too many details about their struggles with too many people. When the struggles are over they are embarrassed to return to the same circles of people. People love to repeat your drama and they don’t always tell it accurately or with the right intentions. Find a few people you can trust, who will bear your burdens in confidence, but keep that circle small. (Also, in this new day of social media, be careful of the details of your life you place on Facebook. Don’t be the Sunday night drama everyone is talking about Monday morning.)

Don’t make quick decisions – In the early days of new drama you should be careful not to make life-altering decisions until you are certain you aren’t making them with an emotional response. There may be immediate decisions that have to be made. Rely on that inner circle of people you trust to help you make them, but delay major decisions until you are able to think rationally about the situation. (Dramatic decisions may keep a television drama viewership high, but it can be disastrous in real life.)

Draw near to God – People tend to go one direction or another during the difficult seasons of life. After years of struggling through trials, I have learned one thing well. Your life is best when your closest relationship is your God relationship. Allow the trials of life to strengthen that bond as you rely on His strength to see you through this season of drama.

Work towards forgiveness – Drama most always involves some need for forgiveness. It may be a need to forgive others, yourself, or even God, but you will have injured emotions that need to heal. Part of that healing will likely require some letting go…some forgiveness to occur. Living as forgiving and forgiven people allows God to help ease your pain and strengthen your availability to receive joy by opens the door to complete restoration in your heart.

Protect your heart for the future – Seasons of drama come and go, but we are more prepared for them when our heart is kept close to God’s heart through the calmer seasons. I’m learning that all seasons of life contain drama, sometimes the drama is more intense than others, but throughout the whole of life our goal should be to guard our heart for God and people.

Where are you now? Is this a season of intense drama…or would your life be more of a sitcom right now? How are you dealing with the drama of life?