The last word’s of a dying person are normally never forgotten. I have witnessed some pour out their hearts to God while others linger off into eternity quietly. Usually the last words of a dying person conveys their innermost thoughts, values, priority and desires.


Right before P.T. Barnum died, he asked, “How were the receipts today at Madison Square Garden”


Humphrey Bogart’s last words were, “I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis.”


President Grover Cleveland, “I have tried hard to do the right.”


Joan Crawford was filled with anger when her maid began to pray out loud and said, “Don’t you dare ask God to help me!”


Leonardo da Vinci, when surveying his life’s work, said, “I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have.”


I am ready.
~~ Woodrow Wilson, US President, d. 1924


Karl Marx turned to his housekeeper, who had urged him to tell her his last words so she could write them down, and shouted, “Go on, and get out. Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough.”


The word from the cross comes from one whose every action was filled with meaning and purpose. Not only do we have the teaching of Jesus while he lived, we have his final thoughts while he hung on a cross suspended between two thieves.


The wrenching words of Jesus ushered forth from his lips while his sacrificial blood splashed on the ground. While his body is in excruciating pain and his tongue is tormented in thirst – Jesus cries out from those parched lips and says “FATHER FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING” (LUKE 23:34)



One of the hardest things to do is to forgive someone who did you wrong, who crossed, or who hurt you, how many of you got cheated or was dumbed by your boyfriend or girlfriend back in the 1970s or when ever and you still haven’t forgave them, you see this person and you still not speaking to them, forgiving someone who did you wrong shows maturity, it shows that there is some God in you. So many times we forgive people but its not real like when i was a kid when somebody would do something bad to me and they would apologize and my mama would say to me accept it and forgive them and I would say I accept in front of her but I didn’t meant it, its not real forgiveness, real forgiveness is NOT easy. What is Real Forgiveness real Forgiveness is forgiving someone who don’t deserves forgiveness real forgiveness is saying to someone even thou you hurt me, even thou you keep letting me down I forgive you. Real Forgivness is forgiving and acting like nothing happen.


One of the things I loved to do when I was in elementary school was to write on the black board. When ever the teacher wanted a volunteer to write on the blackboard, I would regularly raise my hand. One of the beautiful things about the black board was if you made a mistake with the chalk, there was always the eraser to rid yourself of the error. Forgiveness works the same way. It is the cancellation of something.It is the deletion of and error. It is the ability to erase a mistake and start over again.