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Author: Roy Kirkwood

Someone Please Get Brett Farve Some Golf Clubs

I guess one the best NFL quarterbacks is deciding to come out of retirement for the 15th time he is now known not for scoring touchdowns but for retiring then coming back to play. I don’t know what goes thru his mind at the end of the season then it always changes he is kinda like crackhead but he should be a footballhead cuz he seems to be addicted to playing football he tries to go to retirement aka rehab but can’t stay in for to long. Truth be told he still can play but I know his body is taking toll he not gonna able to move after a while but as long as he on the football field he will be ok. Will Brett Farve ever really retire I think the NFL is going to have to force him to cuz if you let him decide he will play until he is dies. A lot of NFL player that are getting drafted now was not even born when Farve was in his prime. Some people say that he just playing just so that his records can get higher but truth be told all records are meant to be broken. The NFL is not like Golf where you can have senior league so Can Jerry Rice or John Elway or Troy Aikmen please give Brett Farve some Golf...

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4th of July

Fourth of July is always great time for families to hangout and have some fun, sometimes it’s time for family fights and I’m not talking about the kids fighting over toys but parents getting in to huge augments where they don’t speak for sometime. Holidays are often times for families to laugh and have a good time but so many times they can bring out tears and sometimes even fights that get out of hand. People sometimes pic friends over family but are they wrong for that because that friend may have been better to that person than the family member. Just because they are your family don’t mean they love or care for you blood make be thicker than water but blood has a nasty taste to it...

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